What Is A Squeeze Page, And How To Build One?

If you are wondering what is a squeeze page this article is for you. You'll learn what makes a good squeeze page, why they're so effective and how to build one.

Digital marketers must know how to create effective squeeze pages. Knowing what to put on a squeeze page, how to structure it, and which graphics to utilize might encourage more website visitors to enter their email addresses.

It might assist your business in converting more leads and increasing revenue.

In this post, we describe squeeze pages and why they’re essential. We compare them to landing pages, explain how to design them, and discuss tools to generate them.

What Is Squeeze Page?

Squeeze Page Definition

By definition, a squeeze page is a page designed to capture email addresses or other information for potential customers. Squeeze pages are based on psychology and use incentives, urgency or scarcity to “squeeze” the information from the visitor

How does a Squeeze Page Look?

A squeeze page is a page that has a title, a sub-headline, an image, and sometimes a few bullets or phrases. This kind of page is often short and straightforward, with the headline and subscription components taking center stage. You want no links on your website to squeeze the information out of the visitor, and it is the origin of the name.

A squeeze page using incentives
A squeeze page using incentives

Squeeze pages are an effective way to promote your business online. They allow you to create a landing page that will capture leads for your website.

Before the squeeze page, we had popups that appeared all over the web, often many times on each page. The popups were irritating, and most people disliked them, but they were incredibly efficient at collecting email addresses.

The popup blocker was created to alleviate the nuisance.

Why Do I Need A Squeeze Page For My Business?

A squeeze page successfully gathers email addresses, which most marketers still consider one of the most powerful marketing strategies. Customers offer their information willingly, giving a possibility to convert leads into purchases later. You may even establish long-term connections with your leads through email.

It is helpful in many types of enterprises and sectors. You can make a squeeze page work for you in any industry, including technology, cuisine, education, beauty, and fashion. Visiting your website already indicates that a visitor is interested in what you offer. You can use this to move leads further down your sales funnel and convert them into regular clients.

You may also promote your brand by using a squeeze page. This way, you can give various deals and promotions, which is an excellent method to increase your internet profile and attract more referrals to your website.

It is simple. You don’t have to cover up the problem. Consider it as though you had 5 minutes to persuade someone to accept your free sample. You will be straightforward and to the point, stating what you believe your reader requires and how your offer may assist them.

Squeeze Page Vs. Landing Page: What’s The Difference?

How do squeeze pages and landing pages differ? Site Landing pages may include squeeze pages.

What is a Landing Page?

Landing pages have been part of digital marketing since the internet’s inception. A landing page is a separate domain on your website that serves a particular purpose. There may be a page inviting people to join up for a free trial of your new product and another asking them to subscribe to your blog.

A landing page conversion might be as easy as a click to the next page of your website or as intimate as requesting credit card information.

What is a Squeeze Page?

When we examine a squeeze page definition in further depth, we discover something significantly more concentrated. Squeeze pages exist to capture a prospective lead’s name and email address. Your squeeze pages acquire this information by using a ‘lead magnet’ or offer to give clients value in return for their contact information.

Squeeze pages are similar to landing pages because they focus on lead generation. Because of the focused nature of the squeeze page design, these materials are concise and clear. A squeeze page should only provide the visitor with two choices: do the desired action or leave the page to maximize conversions.

Squeeze pages are helpful for a variety of reasons. First, they give your consumers the additional push they need to take suitable action on your behalf. Second, a superb WordPress squeeze page makes calculating your conversion rate simple. All you have to do is consider two things:

  • C – The total number of ‘converts.’
  • V – The number of people who have visited the page.

Now, you can use the calculation C/V*100 to calculate your website’s squeeze page conversion rate. For example, if 25 people filled out your form and 100 people saw the website, your conversion rate is 25%.

Squeeze Page vs Landing Page

If you think that a squeeze page doesn’t fit your needs you can check out our article about the best tools to build a landing page.

How you can build a squeeze page?


Create a squeeze page from scratch using code.

WordPress Squeeze Page Plugins

If your squeeze page is built on WordPress, you may look for templates under WordPress plugins and themes. Consider using the WordPress Easy Sign Up Plugin for newsletters, offers, and the like. Thrive Themes is another popular alternative.

Squeeze Page Generator

A tool for creating squeeze pages. You may personalize by selecting from various squeeze page designs, colors, and themes.

What are the Best Tools To Create Squeeze Pages?


Unbounce Squeeze Page

It is the first and earliest landing page-building program. It may be used to generate coming soon pages, collect email addresses on your website, and discuss those difficult-to-explain aspects of your product offering.

For more details check out our Unbounce full review.


Leadpages Squeez Page

With built-in conversion coaching, Leadpages guides you through designing a landing page that converts visitors into subscribers and then into committed customers.

For more details check out our Leadpages full review.


Instapage is an online tool that allows users to build landing pages quickly and easily without writing any code. The platform offers a variety of features such as drag & drop functionality, pre-designed templates, analytics tools, and split testing. It’s also great for squeeze pages as you can create pop-ups and other bits of pages that you can then use in your WordPress site if you need.

For more details check out our Instapage full review.

How Can I Create An Effective Squeeze Page?

Why, if landing pages are so vital, don’t all businesses use them? Many individuals believe they are challenging to develop and manage. But it is just not the case. It is less about stunning customers and more about ensuring they receive what they want when creating a successful landing page.

Here’s a step-by-step procedure to help you.

Write Your Headline

People will see your title first. Thus it is critical to attract their attention with an eye-catching and attention-grabbing headline. A solid headline clearly describes what visitors may get by signing up and persuades them to enter their email addresses to learn more!

Make A Compelling Offer

The offer is the most crucial aspect of your squeeze page and is referred to as a lead magnet or a signup incentive. It is a gift that entices visitors to join up, so let them know fully and honestly what they will get.

Content offerings such as ebooks, spreadsheets, and email courses are a few examples you may be familiar with.

Write A Convincing Copy

A visitor may be drawn to your site because of the headline. However, they still need to feel ready to join up. So, what are your options? It is your marketing text.

The smart method to convert landing pages into conversion machines is to produce supporting material that persuades prospects that they need the offer and that filling out the form right away is in their best interests.

Use Social Proof

Using social proof, you may increase your credibility and acquire the visitor’s confidence. The more social proof you build, the higher your page’s conversion rate. Customer testimonials, quotations, and case studies are examples of social evidence.

Add A Call To Action

Get people excited about subscribing RIGHT NOW. Include a strong, prominent call to action on your page. Remember that the optimal CTA for you heavily depends on what you’re giving. It may be anything like “Sign up” or “Subscribe for additional free courses.”

Use An Exit-Intent Popup

If your squeeze page is hosted on a website, include an exit-intent popup.

Exit intent popups will appear if a visitor leaves your website without subscribing. Keep one thing in mind while building and deploying an exit popup. Refrain from repeating the offer from your original popup in your departure popup.

Optimize Your Squeeze Page For SEO

The goal of squeeze pages is to attract visitors with an offer and a call to action. As a result, ranking for the keywords on it isn’t very specific. You should, however, continue to optimize the website for search engines. Try to choose low competition rates keywords so your squeeze page can rank.

How Can I Promote My Squeeze Page Effectively?

Once you’ve got your squeeze page set up, you’ll need to promote it. This means getting the page in front of the people so that they can learn more about your business.

There are several ways to do this:

  • Post on your social media channels
  • Post on Facebook groups
  • Use social media ads
  • Use Google Ads to target keywords relevant to your page
  • Include a link to your squeeze page in your emails
  • Find an influencer to create a paid post with a link to your page


Because establishing a squeeze page is not as difficult as it may seem, you should consider utilizing one for your company.

It will improve your conversion rates and provide additional opportunities to interact with your clients! Squeeze pages benefit any business, whether attempting to bring people back to their website or collecting email addresses.

Are you planning to use Squeeze Pages for your business?

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